Try GetTickCount: – You can use this to tell how long the computer has been running – From there you can calculate when the last reboot happened.
GetTickCount(),Long,PASCAL,proc,NAME('GetTickCount'),Dll(dll_mode) local group, pre(loc) UpTime long UpDays long UpHours long UpMins long end loc:UpTime = GetTickCount() loc:UpDays = (((loc:UpTime / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24 loc:UpHours = (((loc:UpTime / 1000) / 60) / 60) % 24 loc:UpMins = (((loc:UpTime / 1000) / 60) % 60)
Can display something like this:
' Up_Time = ' & loc:UpDays & 'd ' & loc:UpHours & 'h ' & format(loc:UpMins, @N02) & 'm'
Jono Woodhouse