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TeamViewer Kundenmodul zur Fernwartung

Clarion Tools and Sources

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ClaScript scipt language and window formatter [klick]
CWCM binary free Compile Manager (binary) [klick]
CWCM source free Compile Manager (APP, DCT, TXA, ICO) [klick]
BevelTool tool for Prop:Bevel (source)
DateFieldHelper create datetime group with one klick [klick]
Field- and Tablelist Template Template + Sample
EnumPrintersA get local windows printers and ports
MSSQL Template save dictionary as sql-script
Line and Wordcount (Source) count lines and words from files
WinLocate filefinder, store files and directorys in SQL database(Source) [klick]


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TELEFON Addressbook [klick]
NetJazzy Game of Dice [klick]
QQ DOS Start-Oberfläche mit Dateimanager [klick]
SRGraf Faktura grafisches DOS-Programm [klick]
WinLocate filefinder, store files and directorys in SQL database [klick]


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C5 runtime C5 Runtime libarys (only for our customers)
C55 runtime C55 Runtime libarys (only for our customers)
evaluate.pdf evaluate documentation (only for our customers)
Remote Remote Adminstration Tool (Demo)


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DEX4 Demoversion (eingeschränkter Export) [klick]
OPLOX Demoversion (Anzahl der Termine ist begrenzt) [klick]
OPLOX Prospekt OPLOX Prospekt (PDF/ 1.4 MB) [klick]