Compilemanager for „Clarion for Windows“
- status „LED“ when make
- start and stop points
- copy exe and dll to binary directory
- make txa files
- find linker errors
- second compiler run after linker error
- open/close Clarion
- execute command-lines
- play sound after make
- test with C2,C4,C5,C5.5 and C6
- copy app´s and dct´s
- overrides for each project
- setup for timing
- tree or list view
- load app (better picklist!)
- reset status colors
- move apps in tree
- search apps in list view
- run EXE in binary directory
- make clean
- show processed times
- load,find and browse your procedures
- free source code!!! (C55EE ABC)
- command line compiler cwcm.exe [App/Prj File] (new!!)
CWCM is designed for 32-bit APP´S !
Download CWCM Compile Manager 1.9 0200 (06/16/2003) CWCM.ZIP 543 KByte
Download CWCM source code 1.9 0200 (06/16/2003) CWCM_SCR.ZIP 128 KByte
Please send your changes on the source with a short comment back to !!