You have to use PROP:NextField, here’s a small example. In it I’m enumerating the menu and storing the structure and properties in a queue.
ThisField LONG,AUTO CODE FREE(mQ) ThisField = 0 LOOP ThisField = SELF.W{PROP:NextField, ThisField} !Get the next feq out of the array IF ThisField = 0 THEN BREAK. !done when the feq is zero again CASE SELF.W $ThisField{PROP:Type} OF CREATE:MenuBar OROF CREATE:Menu OROF CREATE:Item SELF.GetMenuItemProperties(mQ, ThisField) IF mQ.pType = CREATE:MenuBar SELF.MenuBarFeq = mQ.Feq END ADD(mQ, -mQ.ParentFeq, -mQ.Feq) ... END END
Larry Sand